Foundation Years

Early Years Foundation Stage


Our purpose-built Reception unit consists of two interlinked classrooms where children from Duckling and Cygnet Classes learn together as part of free flow time. Our children love engaging in a wide range of learning opportunities both inside the classrooms and in the outside area. Our children are encouraged to learn outside in all weathers - we provide wet weather clothing and regularly visit our Nature Reserve and Ladywell Fields to extend our children's outdoor learning experiences.



Your child's journey to early years


We don't have a school Nursery at Prendergast Primary, therefore we provide lots of opportunities for our Reception pupils to visit us before they start school.

Our transition events in the Summer term before pupils start school include:

Taster mornings

Our Family Picnic

An invite to our Summer Fair

A visit at home from the Class Teacher and Early Years Practitioner

By the time our children start school our aim is for them to be familiar with our staff, some of our routines and our school building. This enables our Reception pupils to settle very quickly.



Their First Weeks


Starting school is an exciting time for all of us. We use the Class Dojo App as a secure messaging service and also keep parents updated with pictures of their children's learning in progress as well. The App also supports our positive behaviour system, with parents, teachers and pupils being able to share in the successes of the day.



Learning Inside and Outside the Classroom


Our purpose-built Reception unit consists of two interlinked classrooms where children from Duckling and Cygnet Classes learn together as part of free flow time. Our children love engaging in a wide range of learning opportunities both inside the classrooms and in the outside area. Our children are encouraged to learn outside in all weathers - we provide wet weather clothing and regularly visit our Nature Reserve and Ladywell Fields to extend our children's outdoor learning experiences.


Early Years Topic Overview



Reading at Prendergast Primary


Engaging children to have a love of books and reading is vital to their development. We encourage our children to take books home as often as possible to share with their parents and carers. Our new building will have its own dedicated library area where parents and children will have the opportunity to borrow books.

As their reading develops our children are encouraged to take home a book linked to our phonics programme 'Little Wandle'. Children will bring home a book that they are confident in reading to foster a sense of achievement and success.

Phonics and reading workshops give parents and carers the opportunity to find out more about our phonics programme and how they can support their children at home.



Home Learning in Early Years


In our Reception classes at Prendergast Primary we have a Home Learning programme which is designed to support our children with their reading and writing, and also to foster a love of books.

We ask that parents:

Share a book with their children every night

Encourage their children to practice their letters and sounds using their writing packs

As children progress to listen to their child read a book from our Little Wandle reading scheme

To complete activities linked to our curriculum and topics




Feeling Safe and Confident at Prendergast Primary


We pride ourselves in developing confident, happy and polite young people. Our Reception School Councillors are elected in the Spring Term. Our children are encouraged to take part in fund-raising events and develop an early understanding of good citizenship. Our children are also encouraged to take part in our wide range of extra-curricular clubs.

These include:








Enrichment Outside the Classroom


An important part of our curriculum are trips and visits. We aim for our children to have at least two trips a term in addition to our outdoor learning opportunities.


Trips in early years include:

A visit to Godstone Farm

Library and Bookshop visits

Horniman's Museum

A whole school seaside trip

A London Symphony Orchestra experience

EYFS Cooking