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Prendergast Primary Wellbeing: Our Whole School Approach


Ruby Finds a Worry by Tom Percival

Sometimes it is hard to communicate with children that worries can be shared. When a problem is shared, often people say that the problem is halved, this is not to say that by talking only the problem will go away, rather can make the worry less important by getting it off your chest. 


Amazing Things Happen - by Alexander Amelines

Often it is difficult to communicate what autism is and how being autistic might feel to a person with autism. This short animation helps to explain what autism is and how it might affect some people.


Big challenges

Class Dojo’s Growth Mindset Series

There is a strong body of research in psychology and education demonstrating the importance of meta-cognition and self-regulation for effective pupil learning. But what is meta-cognition? Meta-cognition is about the ways learners monitor and purposefully direct their learning. What is self-regulation? Self-regulation is about the extent to which learners are aware of their strengths and areas of development and the strategies they use to learn. Below are five animation chapters where Mojo (from dojo) explains in real life situations how we can learn to learn using a 'growth-mindset' approach.

Growth Mindset for Students - Episode 1/5

Growth Mindset for Students - Episode 2/5

Growth Mindset for Students - Episode 3/5

Growth Mindset for Students - Episode 4/5

Growth Mindset for Students - Episode 5/5